Tangles Recipes: How to combine patterns



Video Recording from the September class is available for purchase of $37.50.

You’ll receive over 2 hours of instruction and my Tangle Recipes handout.


Zentangle® artists are invited to the Tangle Recipes: How to Combine Patterns online class with Nancy Domnauer, CZT .

Zentangle artists will learn about the Zentomology of patterns ~ exploring patterns by type and how to combine patterns while tangling. We'll explore an array of tangles patterns and enjoy working with hands-on manipulatives via a worksheet that will be emailed to participants.


We'll tangle two Zentangle tiles in class as we explore ways to combine, mix and choose patterns for your Zentangle practice. My simple to learn ‘Tangle Recipes’ approach will be shared and you may incorporate these techniques in your own Zentangle practice.

To purchase the 2.25 hour class video recording for $37.50, please email: Nancy@LineDotCalm.com

Bring to Class: 4 white, square Zentangle tiles; Micron 01 or PN black ink pen; graphite pencil, tortillon and special worksheet (to be emailed to students).

Special Worksheet: Class worksheet will be emailed to participants upon registration.

If you have questions please email: Nancy@LineDotCalm.com


The content of this class is solely the property of Nancy Domnauer, a Certified Zentangle® Teacher acting with permission from Zentangle, Inc., and may not be copied, recorded or redistributed without the prior written consent of Nancy Domnauer, CZT and Zentangle, Inc. ©Nancy Domnauer, CZT

Tangle Recipe Cover Photo.JPG