Tangling on canvas roll-up pencil case
with inktense colors
The workshop was taught in January 2025.
The workshop recording, totally 5+ hours is available for purchase for $57. Please send a request to: Nancy@LineDotCalm.com
You're invited to the Zentangle® Tangling on Canvas Roll-Up Pencil Case with Colors online workshop with Nancy Domnauer, Certified Zentangle Teacher on Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 10:00 am, PST .
This is an exciting 2-part workshop. Both sessions will be taught live via Zoom and video recorded and sent to all enrolled participants.
The main class meets online on Saturday, January 18 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, PST. In this workshop, we will use special pens to tangle and add shading to our patterns on a canvas roll-up pencil case. We’ll add vibrant colors with Derwent Inktense ink pencils and learn how to activate and set the colorful designs to fabric.
Students will need to pre-purchase their canvas pencil case from a source given by the instructor. Students will purchase a roll-up pencil case in any of these sizes: space to hold 12, 24, 36 or 48 pencils.
The pre-class session meets online on Friday, January 10 from 10:00 am to 10:45 am, PST. In this session we'll get familiar with our supplies and create a colorful swatch of Derwent Inktense colors on a separate piece of fabric. Your swatch of colors will help you become familiar with your color choices for your main project.
You'll love the results. This is an exciting Zentangle inspired art process that opens possibilities for Zentangle artists!
WORKSHOP DATES: Both sessions will be taught live via Zoom and video recorded and sent to all enrolled participants.
Workshop Part 1: Creating a Swatch of Inktense Colors meets online on Friday, January 10, 2025 from 10:00 to 10:45 am, PST.
Workshop Part 2: Main Workshop: Tangling on a Canvas Roll-Up Pencil Case with Derwent Inktense Colors meets online on Saturday, January 18 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, PST.
A complete, detailed list with sources of where to purchase the class supplies will be emailed to students upon registration. I will also send a video showing the supplies you'll need to purchase.
SUPPLY LIST: Canvas Roll-Up Pencil Case (source to purchase this item will be given upon registration. Each student will purchase their own pencil case in whichever size they would like. The canvas pencils cases range from $10.99 to approximately $21.99, depending on size you select); a special pen for tangling on fabric; a special pen for shading on fabric; Derwent Inktense Ink Pencils in a set of 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 or 100 pencils; 2 round tip, inexpensive paintbrushes (size 4, 6 or 8); fabric medium; 1/4 yard 100% cotton PFD (prepared for dye) fabric and a few more simple items.
NOTE: Derwent Inktense ink pencils are sold in packs of 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 or 100. Please purchase any size set that you wish. The 12-set metal tin set (with picture of a butterfly on the cover) has enough colors for our project. Please note that Derwent makes several brands of pencil products. Be sure you purchase the Derwent Inktense Ink pencil set.
REFUND POLICY: There will be no refunds. Both class sessions are being video recorded and will be sent to all enrolled students.
QUESTIONS: Please send an email to: Nancy@linedotcalm.com
I look forward to welcoming you to class. We will have a nice time tangling and adding vibrant colors to our canvas roll-up pencil case!
With gratitude and appreciation,
Nancy Domnauer, CZT 18
Please watch this video to learn more and see project examples: